Sunday, October 5, 2008

track n trade

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Review Some Trading Examples Below

Markets can only do three things...
They can go up, they can go down, or they can go sideways.

Press Play to learn about the trading examples below.

TNT High Finance Forex Screenshot 1

Example: Leveraged accounts take less initial capital. 100:1 or 200:1 leverage is available in Forex.

Leverage is great, but just remember, leverage can work against you as well as for you, so we must remember to always use stop loss orders to protect our positions, just in case the market turns against us. In this example, you'll notice that I'm trading with a "mini" account, which means I only need to maintain $50 in my account for each trade I make. Therefore each "pip" or each minimum move is worth $1. If I were in a "regular sized" account, I would still only need to have $1,000.00 in my account for each trade, but each "pip" or minimum move would then be worth $10. Oh, and the best part, when I close out the trade, I not only get to keep my $369.55 profit, I also get my $250, or the $50 per trade back as well!

(Watch my educational video, "Understanding Margin Accounts" to see how that's possible!) Now tell me that doesn't rock your world!

TNT High Finance Forex Screenshot 2

Example: Going short, or selling before buying.

If you do what I like to do, then you'll want to wait until a market gets into an extreme high, or an extreme low, then starts to turn around; when you see this happen, get into the market. Make sure to then place a "Stop Loss" order just behind the trend, (To protect yourself if you're wrong), then sit back and watch the market. Once the market moves into positive territory, move your "stop loss" order to break even, and go to lunch.

You see, in the Forex market, you can trade when the market goes up or down, just make sure you pick the right direction. (See my video, "Going Short!" to better understand this concept.)

TNT High Finance Forex Screenshot 3

Example: Notice, this was a 311% gain!

If you're wrong, and the market moves against your position, then your "stop loss" order aims to get you out of the trade automatically, seeking to minimize the loss. The name of the game is to Let Your Winners Run, and Cut Your Losers Short." Your winners should far outpace your losers. With this method, you can even be wrong more often than your right, just make sure to get out of the market very quickly when your wrong, and then see how long you can stay in the market once you're in a profitable position.

TNT High Finance Forex Screenshot 4

Example: Sunday night, while I watched TV ... pretty profitable TV show!

Don't get nervous and scared on me, this is not that fast paced jump in and jump out of the market ten times a minute type of trading, that's called scalping, and I think that's crazy...this is very calm trading, we just watch the markets slowly move over a longer period of time, notice that each price bar on my chart represents 10 minutes, so as you can see, it takes 10 minute to move just that one bar, this is a pretty passive type of trading. Also, notice that my "Fees Column" are all ZERO! "How can I trade for free?"

TNT High Finance Forex Screenshot 5

Example: Obviously not every trade is a winner, cut your losers short, let your winners run...

Obviously not every trade is going to be a winner, in fact, its actually possible that you lose more often than you win, and still make more money than you lose, so long as you remember to cut your losses short, and let your winners run. It's like playing a game of checkers, you don't win every move, and you lose a few pieces in the process.

Once you set your orders into play, you don't need to sit around and tend your computer, Track 'n Trade handles all the hard work for you! Track 'n Trade has auto-trailing stops, it also has OCO, or One-Cancels-Other orders, where if you place a trade, you can setup contingency plans based on the markets movement. This allows you to go play, go to work, go to lunch, go to bed, or sit by the beach, or whatever it is that suits your fancy. I believe Track 'n Trade may be the long-lost tool you've been searching for! (We have video tutorials that teach you how to do all these cool strategies.)

Now, you know we can't guarantee that you're going to make money and be profitable doing this, if we did say such a thing, or show you gigantic numbers and unreal profits, you would know we were just blowen smoke anyway, but hey, its possible this could be just what you've been looking for, and giving it a try doesn't hurt anyone, nor does it risk any money, its completely risk free to give it a shot, and besides, its fun, it's kind a like playing a video game, but in this case, if you get good at it, it kicks out real cash! Who knows, maybe you'll be the next great financial wonder of the world...

You'll never know if you don't give it a try.

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Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results,
my results are not a direct reflection of what you may or may not achieve yourself.

As with any business, your income is generally a reflection of your own personal dedication
and effort; you could achieve more, less or nothing. (Of course, our goal is to help you achieve more, rather
than less, its through your success, that we succeed ourselves.)

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